Hmm...college fund, college fund...
Shoot, I knew I forgot something.
Yes, I am one of those irresponsible parents that hasn't been stashing away $50 weekly since my child's conception so I can send him to an ivy league school. But now that the day has come, I wonder if maybe I should have made it more of a priority. It just takes budgeting, right?
What did I spend my children's hypothetical college fund on, exactly?
To start with, I invested that cash in a stay-at-home mom, who never had to drop the kids off at daycare when they weren't feeling well. With my husband as sole breadwinner, I could be home to read stories, play games, help with homework, and drive them to every activity under the sun. The average weekly salary for a full-time nanny is $652 (according to a story in USA Today). That's a $33,904 a year savings, or a whopping $610,272 for 18 years (taking into account the time span between children and when they were all old enough to stay home unsupervised together and not kill each other). That might even cover an exclusive private college in the South of France.
(Au revoir, South of France.)

If you figure I saved $610,272 by not having to pay for a full-time nanny, minus the million-jillion dollars I spent on three childhoods, and then reduce it by the $9,000 dollars spent on my marriage, things start to look a little bleak. However, if you consider the intrinsic value of a mother's love, a childhood full of enriching experiences to take with them into adulthood, and two parents who are still happily married (to each other), I think we all know what our total is:
A son who will be going off to college already in debt with student loans.

Is this taking responsibility for his own future I hear?
So...by not saving money for his college fund, I was actually being a good parent?
Well, that's what I'm going with, anyway. You all can draw your own conclusions, but I'll be over here feeling all smug and eating goldfish crackers.