As part of my new self improvement regime, I have decided that just because I can't understand someone else's viewpoint, doesn't mean they're crazy. (Okay, the people on "Toddlers and Tiaras" are crazy, but that's a given.) When it comes to politics, I tend to lean toward the liberal Democrat side, all touchy-feely and give people affordable health care mumbo-jumbo. I am, however, ready to accept that Republicans are people, too, and might just have some ideas worth listening to. The Republican presidential primaries (hereby known as the "Three Ring Circus") is not making it easy on me. Stuttering debaters, womanizing pizza moguls, and the Comb Over who will not go away all give me nightmares. I really want to stay open minded, but give me something to work with, people!
In trying to see it from a Republican's perspective, I imagine they are mighty embarrassed by this parade of not-quite-front-runners. I'm sure in person, and in their own corner of the country, these candidates are interesting people and dynamic leaders. They probably seemed like a good idea at the time (kind of like that silly Snuggie you ordered last year). But put them through a little scrutiny and suddenly every pimple they've ever had (and that one time they screamed at their kids in the grocery store) seems like a threat to national security.
That being said, it's beginning to seem like the Republican Party is randomly throwing out candidates, hoping one will stick. As it stands today, it seems that the two front runners are Newt Gingrich, who many in his own party (and several of his wives) admit they have no faith in, and Mitt "Anyone But Mitt" Romney. If the Republicans can't even get behind a candidate, how can they expect me to?
While I have not exactly been up-to-date on my church attendance, I think this may be the time to squeeze in a few Hail Marys and perhaps a confession. We could all use a prayer about now, because these people are crazy.
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