The whole Mayan calendar craziness has been talked about, blown out of proportion, debunked and then talked about some more. So let me ask you: when you get to the last page of your calendar, say December, and you go to see what's happening next month and there are no more pages, what do you do? Freak out and stockpile the bottled water? Or go to the office supply store and buy a new calendar? The Mayans, it's true, were very advanced for an ancient civilization. Besides their calendar making, they developed a writing system and left behind many examples of art work. But did they have iPhones and their amazing maps? What about Honey Boo Boo or Walmart? (Okay, on second thought, perhaps it's best if we just end it right now.)

Anyone who's seen the AMC series The Walking Dead could tell you zombies are the things of nightmares. They are the undead, people! Out to eat your flesh and infect your children! The good news is that fear of a zombie apocalypse has spurred gun and ammunition sales. Good news for the economy! Bad news if you happen to be shuffling to get your newspaper in the early morning hours and your neighbor is a paranoid gun owner. (What am I saying? People don't read the newspaper anymore. Wait! I read the newspaper!! Maybe I should start combing my hair and putting on some makeup before I head to the paper box.)
In times like this we should turn to the words of the immortal poet, Michael Jackson:

Creatures Crawl In Search Of Blood
To Terrorize Y'awl's Neighbourhood
And Whosoever Shall Be Found
Without The Soul For Getting Down
Must Stand And Face The Hounds Of Hell
The answer then to our apocalyptic dilemma? Getting down.
Cue the music and bring on the vodka.
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