They are Camp Fire girls and they are out to take over the world.
It seems innocent enough: young children raising money for an organization by selling mints and Almond Roca--even their candy supports a local company (Brown & Haley out of Tacoma, Washington). They ask politely and they always say "Have a nice day" if they're turned down.
I suggest you don't turn them down.
The next thing you know, the whole country is living the Camp Fire way of life. They will teach your children manners! They will encourage our young people to participate in charitable giving (one local group collected donations for a no-kill cat shelter) and involve themselves in the community (marching in Christmas parades and making Valentines for veterans).
They want your children to spend their summers outside! At camp! During these indoctrination "summer camps" your children will learn to swim, in lakes, and breathe fresh air. They will roast marshmallows and sing songs of revolution, such as Tarzan of the Apes (in which the radical Tarzan proclaims his love for "bananas, coconuts and grapes") or Black Socks ("They never get dirty, the longer you wear them the stronger they get").
What can we do about this coming coup? I suggest you stop politely when approached by the Children of the Blue Vest, ask what they recommend, and then open your wallets to them. They will remember those who've supported their cause and will find room for you in their brave new world.
And when you see that other subversive group, the Girl Scouts, peddling their cookies next month, give 'em a wink and the secret hand shake. Tell them the Camp Fire Girls sent you.
(The Camp Fire organization is made up of both girls and boys, but I 've only come to know the female of the species. My apologies to the young gentleman revolutionaries for excluding them.)
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