This year I have decided that I will not give up Facebook for Lent for the following reasons:
1. I don't want to.
2. Instead of a Lenten fast, I have decided to put forth more effort to take care of myself--my body is my temple and all that--and am committed to getting at least 30 minutes of exercise a day as well eating my 5-a-day servings of fruits and vegetables. Forty days and forty nights. (Just accidentally typed "farty" instead of "forty"--extra fiber will do that to you.) It's nice that Lent coincides with our annual anniversary trip to Las Vegas so I will have a little less muffin top in my swimsuit poolside.
3. Last year during my Facebook fast I, in boredom, turned to Pinterest. There, while perusing my daughter's pins, I discovered that one of her "bucket list" items was to meet and have a book signed by her favorite author. (Can I point out that she was 13 at the time and in perfect health--I'm not sure she understands the significance of a bucket list.) Her favorite author of the moment, Cassandra Clare, was just releasing a new book and. I learned upon further investigation, was appearing at a local bookstore. I scored big time Mommy Points all because I was off of Facebook. Lesson learned, time to move on to a new challenge.

So come Easter expect to see a slimmer and healthier me, getting ready to jet off to Las Vegas with two Beatles' Love tickets in my hand. I'm sure Sister Judith would approve.
(It occurs to me now that not giving up my Facebook addiction because of my gambling addiction might be a cause for concern. But then I think "Less muffin top and Las Vegas show tickets" and I think the 12 Steps can wait till after I get back from our trip.)
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