Wouldn't it be great, I think, if humans could have the same experience? If you knew instinctively, through hundreds years of evolution, what you were born to do? And then were able to do it?

Hunting is definitely out--you have to get up way too early, it's usually dark and cold, and I don't care for wild game. I like my food full of steroids and wrapped in cellophane, thank you very much, just as God intended.
I love words and books and thesauruses
(or is it thesauri?) . Of course, I also love chocolate. And shoes; I always feel one with the universe when I get a new pair of cute shoes.
I know I was meant to be a mother. (Whether or not I was meant to be a good mother is still up for discussion. My kids remain skeptical.) But I always knew, without being able to give a concrete reason, that I wanted to have kids. They'll wreck my body and spend all my hard earned money? Sign me up!
I was not bred to have any sort of athletic talent. Or to even particularly enjoy watching any sort of sporting event, unless it involves one of my offspring (see previous entry). This is another reason my siblings are convinced I was adopted.
I seem to have a sixth sense for sarcasm. It comes very naturally for me and required no special training. How this translates into a life's purpose I have yet to discover, but I remain hopeful.
Some days I think I was born to write and read and to share the funny and wonderful things I come across in my life. Other days, not so much. But I come from a family of artists and teachers, musicians and poets. I have apparently been bred to be a thinker of thoughts who dabbles in words.
But I will not hunt.
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