1. Dogs (even if they poop on the new throw rugs)--live-in crumb cleaners and unconditional love.
2. Cold, clear mornings of fall--because we know what wet, dark days are like.

4. Lindt Lindor Dark Chocolate Truffles--dark chocolaty creaminess at only 75 calories and 7.5 g fat per
5. We Rate Dogs--sometimes the only bright spot on Twitter/Instagram/Facebook (They're ALL good dogs.)
6. Husband who doesn't expect me to be "normal"--because why be average?
7. Kids who aren't "normal" (well, one of them is, but we make allowances for him).
8. Sno-Isle Public Library (even the teeny-weeny Lakewood/Smokey Point location)--books that I can read for free? Yes, please.
9. A free press--journalists may be the only thing that saves us from our current political "situation."
10. Netflix--binge watching an entire season of a show in a weekend is the only way to go (unless it's "The Walking Dead"--that I do not recommend).
11. SNL--because sometimes you need to laugh at it all or you'll (rage) cry.
Mirage Hotel pool, Las Vegas |
13. Las Vegas--the Disneyland for grownups (please don't bring your kids); sunshine and cocktails.
14. Preschool teachers--they teach your kids how to learn before they have to learn; and they deal with a lot of fingers in noses.
15. The internet--what did we even do before the Worldwide Web? Just not know stuff?
16. Elections (and the voter's pamphlet)--if you don't vote, you don't get to complain; it's a thing. (We voted on it a couple years ago; Referendum 86934-09-218B, aka "Show Up or Shut Your Pie Hole.")
Diablo Lake, North Cascades |
19. School Bus drivers--they are the unsung heroes of the public school system, true story.
20. Our neighborhood/community/school district--we live in a small community where even if you don't know someone, your kid is probably in class with their kid, or their cousin is you hairstylist. And they'll probably let you borrow a cup of sugar, or fill you in about the recent car prowler (but please don't ask them to participate in your kid's fundraiser--nobody needs more wrapping paper).
22. Texting/FaceTime/Snapchat--do people actually call each other on phones anymore (like it's the 1950's)? If my daughter didn't insist she FaceTime the dogs, I might never hear from her.
23. The diversity of political candidates--love 'em or hate 'em, maybe it's time to think outside the "old white man" box (no disrespect, Joe and Bernie)
24. Elected officials who really care about their constituency--if you hide from your voters and side with the big business, maybe "public representative" is not your calling.
25. Cyber Monday--because who even goes Black Friday shopping anymore? (Unless it's online, then "Hooray Black Friday!")
26. Pie, mashed potatoes, and all the Thanksgiving fixings--bring on the fat pants.
27. US Post Office--I'm continually amazed that anything I drop in the mail box actually gets to its destination (and getting personal mail is the best).
28. Smart phones--Computers. In. Your. Pocket.
29. Soup--chicken noodle, potato, or bean, nothing's better on a dark, cold day.
30. Finally, that there aren't 31 days in November (PHEW!)
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